Are you ready for “The Shoot House”?

Showket Training is proud to announce our Shoot House experience is HERE!

Things you need to know and acknowledge before anyone agrees to this:
We always train to aim center mass. Sometimes you flinch under pressure causing your shots to go low and well, let’s just say it can sting. We advise all gentlemen to either wear a cup or bring a couple of socks to shove down your pants, or both. Also a heavy sweatshirt is advised to protect your arms and sides. Make sure it is not your favorite lucky sweatshirt, as it may get holes during class. See the attached photo of impact “marks” on an instructor, who volunteered to only wear a t-shirt so everyone would know of the marks this can leave.

To be clear, this training is physically demanding. It can be intense for some, and there is a high probability you will receive a number of welts, some colorful bruising and or some injury(ies). The projectiles we use are .40 caliber BB’s with powder inside, traveling at a rate of 355’ per second. While it is not “real” ammunition, it can be impactful and leave a lasting impression. This is what many law enforcement agencies use to train with.

What are you going to experience in class:
Room entry and room clearing drills. Because you’re going to need them when people start shooting back! You will also do survival drills for active shooter(s), in both defensive and offensive roles and with various scenarios. We will also have some “War Games” with teams – think capture the flag but with real pain for adults.  

A Serious Question you may be asking yourself:
Can I shoot at the instructors? Yes, yes you can! But guess what, they will shoot back! We will be in there as instructors and sometimes as role players who will be armed.

When: Keep and eye on our calendar for more dates to come.

What Time: 10am to 2pm – that’s 4-hours of training, our way.

Where: Novato, California

Why, is the address missing?: The address will be provided, once you are confirmed in the class.

How much does this class cost: $500, of that is a $100 non-refundable deposit. This class includes firearm(s), ammunition, face mask, neck protection, fingerless gloves and chest protector. If you would like to use your own protective gear, let us know. It must be rated for paintball use.

How Do I Signup?: Register below and pay your deposit (non-refundable),

Remember – you will pay a $100 non-refundable deposit. Once your in – your in, no take-backsies, no transfers to other classes bla bla bla.