You will encounter friendly people that are there to help you will all aspects of learning.  We are here to be of service to you.

We provide a relaxed and open environment for everyone to focus on good habits and safe training.

You can also expect some bad dad jokes!

Range sessions start at 9am on Bay 5.  There will be plenty of time to prepare for your range session at the range, there is NO need to be early, arrival at 8:59am is just fine.  The safety briefing and overview starts at 9:00am.

For all range sessions we require eye and hearing protection.

If you have a holster(s) for your firearm(s) please bring them as well.

We do have loaner holsters available at the range.

For renewal and new issue CCW we advise a minimum of 250 rounds for each caliber firearm you have.

For BSIS and LEOSA a minimum of 50 rounds per caliber is required.

For CCW renewal we need a copy of your permit BEFORE the class. Please email a copy to

For LEOSA you will need to have your current retired ID with you.

Range session are held at Richmond Rod and Gun.  The gate code for access to our classes is 1983#.  There is a map to the right for parking and rage locations.  Check your class details to see what range to report to.

Richmond Rod & Gun Club
3155 Goodrick Avenue
Richmond, California 94801

To the right >>>
is a map showing the parking area and directions to the range, please make yourself familiar with the layout so you know where to park and walk to the range.

The Saturday discussion portion of class is from 2pm to 6pm in Novato for both renewal and new issue. 

Class on Sunday for new issue is from 10am to 6pm. 

The class will be at our home, not some cold restaurant or meeting room.  Bring questions, willingness to participate, open mindedness and most importantly a good sense of humor. You are welcome to bring lunch, drinks and snacks to class. The address of the class is below, again this is our home, not a business: 

1040 5th Street 
Novato, CA 94945 

Please see the map to the right for parking location.

Open ranges are for practice time for you and for us.  Range time to paid by the hour, stay as long as you like and come and go as you please.  We have both static shoot, a holster draw station and the always popular move-n-shoot!

We train rain or shine.  We DO NOT CANCEL range sessions for weather.  If it aint rainin you aint tranin!

So if the weather calls for rain please wear appropriate clothing.