Range sessions for quarterly and renewal qualifications. Please notify us in advance of the session you would like to attend and if you are in need of a quarterly qualification or if you need a 4th qualification. You can signup for one of our range sessions to stay up to date on your required qualification.
BSIS requires 4 qualifications over a 2 year permit. These qualifications may not be closer than 4 months and not farther than 6 months apart. You must also have 2 qualifications within the first 12 months of issuance and 2 within the last 12 months. If you miss any of these you will need to retake the new issue course. There are no exemptions for this policy.
- BSIS 1st through 3rd qualifications for 1st caliber $50
- For each additional caliber $25
- BSIS 4th qualification requires test and all renewal paperwork $100

Guard Card classes are scheduled on an as needed basis. Minimum of 5 students required for a class.
Guard Card Requirements for Registration
Security guards are employed by licensed private patrol operators or private security employers to protect persons or property or prevent theft as defined in Business and Professions Code (BPC) Section 7582.1. To be eligible to apply for a security guard registration through the Bureau of Security and Investigative Service (BSIS or Bureau), you must:
- Be at least 18 years old (BPC Section 7582.8)
- Undergo a criminal history background check through the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (BPC Sections 7581 and 7583.9) and
- Complete the Power to Arrest training Class
- Criminal History Background Check/Live Scan
Applicants for a BSIS Security Guard Registration must undergo a criminal history background check through the FBI and DOJ. Applicants should use the Security Guard Request for Live Scan Form available on the Bureau’s website as it contains the correct coding needed to ensure the Bureau receives the information in a timely manner. Applicants are responsible for paying all Live Scan, DOJ and FBI processing fees at the time of fingerprinting. A list of Live Scan locations can be found on the Bureau’s website.
For Exposed Firearms Permit
The Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS or Bureau) issues Firearms Permits (also referred to as a “Firearms Qualification Card (FQ)” or “Exposed Firearms Permit”)
Requirements for Issuance of Initial Firearms Permit
In order to be eligible for a BSIS Firearms Permit, applicants must:
- Be a citizen of the United States or have permanent legal alien status (BPC Sections 7583.23 and 7596.3); and
- Not be banned from owning or possessing any firearm pursuant to State or Federal Law
- Be a BSIS licensed Private Investigator, Qualified Manager of a Private Investigator, Private Patrol Operator, Qualified Manager of a Private Patrol Operator, Alarm Company Operator, Qualified Manager of an Alarm Company Operator or be a registered Security Guard or Alarm Agent
- Ccomplete a criminal history background check through the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the California Department of Justice (DOJ) (BPC Sections 7583.23, 7583.24, and 7596.8); and
- Complete and submit to the Bureau, the BSIS Application for Firearms Permit; and
- Complete the required training courses, including passing all required examinations and qualifications; and
- Pay the initial application fee (Title 16, California Code of Regulations, Section 640.)